Denshaw Whit Friday Band Contest

Thank you for visiting the Denshaw Whit Friday Band Contest web site. We aim to provide you with all the information you may need regarding our next, and previous contests.

The next contest will be held on Friday 13 June 2025, 4pm start

Denshaw 2024 Prize Winners

First  Prize OverallBlack Dyke
Second Prize OverallHepworth
Third Prize OverallOldham Band (Lees)
Fourth Prize OverallMilnrow
Best Saddleworth1st PlaceBoarshurst
Best Saddleworth2nd PlaceDiggle
Best Local BandUppermill
Best Non UK BandTorshavn
1st Section1st PlaceLangley
1st Section2nd PlaceMiddleton
2nd Section1st PlaceAudley
2nd Section2nd PlaceRoughan
3rd Section1st PlaceBMP (Europe) Goodshaw
3rd Section2nd PlaceComber
4th Section1st PlaceLittleborough
4th Section2nd PlaceLambertville
Best Youth1st PlaceWardle Youth
Best Youth2nd PlaceTewit
Best Soprano CornetBlack Dyke
Best Bass SectionBlack Dyke
Spot PrizeIreland Colliery Chesterfield
Bands Played – 60

It costs about £5000 to put the Contest on each year with the majority going in prize money, insurance, first aid and lighting. 
The Contest is reliant on sponsorship, advertising and sales of the magazine and the generosity of individual donations to raise funds.
As we move ever closer to a cashless society we realise that many would find it easier to donate online rather than scour their pockets for change. To enable this The Committee have set up a GoFundMe page which is an easy and secure way on giving on line. We hope that this will enable you to donate, watch funds grow – hopefully with your help – towards our target, and in due course see some photos too! Just go to to donate and support the Denshaw contest.

Denshaw Contest has a twitter account @DenshawContest. Before the contest we will be tweeting useful info. On the night we will be replying to tweets and providing updates on bands waiting etc. Results will be tweeted as soon as they are known